Sunday 15 December 2013

2013's Best Releases

Tonight, I've turned down a rather messy work outing of pub golf as I spent a disgusting amount of money two nights ago. Never go to the students' union knowing full well you can go to a much better place with better music, and never leave for that better place instead and spend shitloads at that better place. Also never order shit tons of Domino's pizza when you get back and not eat it. Anyway, I've got to justify my not going out tonight not only for my bank balance, but in favour of doing something else productive.
So, without further ado, here are my top 10 releases of 2013. There's a mixture of EPs and full lengths here because some of the EPs deserved to be in the same list. 

10. Deaf Havana - Old Souls

Okay. First of all, people need to stop slating this band. I've spoken to far too many people who are sat on their high horse, neighing "bands who used to be heavy and lightened up only did it for the Radio 1 plays". Utter bollocks. Ever since Fools and Worthless Liars, I've given Deaf Havana nothing but my utmost respect. Old Souls is summery, fun and at the same time a little bit emotional. I listened to "Mildred (Lost a Friend)" on repeat about twenty times when I first heard it. You might want to do that just the once. 

9. Kodaline - In A Perfect World

I was late to the Kodaline party. At this year's Reading Festival, in a Tesco Value gin-fuelled haze, I caught their set at the NME stage and I wondered where on earth I had been. Sucked up in pop punk, maybe. In A Perfect World makes you think of Coldplay in some bits, and Mumford in others... but that might put you off. 

8.Ólafur Arnalds - For Now I Am Winter

If you know me then you know I love this man to death. He is a musical genius and I mean it. FNIAW is a little more dancey than his earlier stuff and the tracks featuring Arnór Dan are fabulous and show what you can do when you cross a drum machine, sexy falsetto and some violins. This would have been higher in my list but I found it harder to get into this album than I did the others - but that doesn't detract from the fact album is certainly worth a listen, particularly the song "Old Skin".

7. Diamond Youth - Orange

This is when I start licking Topshelf Records' arse. So many amazing records have been released under this label in the past twelve months and Orange is no exception. Even though it's just six tracks long, each one is musical gold, especially "Come Down" which begins as a slow and quite mellow song and kicks your arse when it heavies up. I'm not sure I can use "heavy" as a verb but let's be fucking metal about this. Diamond Youth's overall sound is as 90s as your Saved By The Bell VHS so if that's your thing, check 'em out.

6. Daylight - Jar

Let's hi-five one of the most consistent bands around. Everything I've heard by Daylight has been just awesome and has packed quite a punch, but in a non-threatening and easily listenable kind of way. As if the punch were the liquid kind, served at an alternative spring fling party where they play Nirvana or something. Jar is as grungey as you like and a personal fave is No One's Deserving, for the riff that runs through its verses. Fingers crossed for a UK appearance in 2014. 

5. Citizen - Youth

I am a huge Citizen fan, and I couldn't say that until very recently. When I first heard Youth I thought "yawwwwn" and I'm not sure why, because I'm kicking myself. Citizen epitomise this new emo scene that's going on, and that's okay. "How Does It Feel" made me want to cry like it's 2006 and that's okay too. This album rules. 

4. Paramore - Paramore

There is a reason why Paramore are one of the biggest alternative acts in the world, which is simply because they are amazing - in the best sense of the word. When I got to see them at the Motorpoint arena in September I was reminded why they are one of my all time favourite bands. We can put the deuces up to anyone who thought Paramore weren't going to survive as a trio. Hell, even I thought so. "Ain't It Fun" and "Hate To See Your Heart Break" are the perfect songs to demonstrate how this band can nail ballads as well as the huge "fuck you all" audience singalongs. I don't know anyone who doesn't like Paramore, which makes sense. There's not much not to like.

3. Twyns - Chyr

I only heard this album last week and knew it had to be in this list, even if it only lasts me the last two weeks of 2013. Twyns absolutely hit the nail on the head in terms of ethereal, downish tempo, trippy, dancey electronic music. It's stuff you want to listen to in your room with some fairy lights as well as on a massive night out. I'd compare this to Grigori, Passion Pit in some parts and The xx. Hell, even Bon Iver (vocally). It's up so high on the list because of the immediate effect it had on me. I hope you feel the same.

2. Pity Sex - Feast of Love

I'd love my own Feast of Love with Pity Sex. Another Topshelf (and now RFC) gem, Feast of Love is raw and sad, textured and upbeat, soft and grungey. I think I actually cried to "Hollow Body", which is definitely up there with one of my top songs of 2013. Pity Sex's vocals sound like they're sung by some totally nonchalant slackers who smoke weed all day and don't give a fuck. It's like what many bands sound like recently (take Seahaven and Tigers Jaw, for example). It's not exactly like they belt the words out. And I know that Pity Sex definitely do NOT smoke weed and slack around. But yeah, that vocal style obviously works for me, otherwise they wouldn't be up so high on the list.

1. John Mayer - Paradise Valley

Finally, last and the furthest away from being the least, is John Mayer, my one and only. Paradise Valley blew away all my expectations. I personally preferred Battle Studies but these are 2013's best albums, not Johnny Mayo's. It's true to say that he's gone a bit country and according to my dad, this is when artists try to "appeal to a wider audience" (if so - where, fucking Texas or what?) but John's sound is still awesome. His collaboration with Katy Perry in "Who You Love" is smooth and sensual and "Paper Doll" is again, another one of my top songs of 2013. If you haven't heard Paradise Valley, go and do so. 

So there you have it! There's my 2013 Top Ten! What were your favourites? What have I missed out?


Travis - Where You Stand
Into It. Over It. - Interections
KOJI - Crooked In My Mind
Balance and Composure - The Things We Think We're Missing
Owen - L'ami du Peuple
City and Colour - The Hurry and the Harm
The Wonder Years - The Greatest Generation


The Swellers - The Light Under Closed Doors
Polar Bear Club - Death Chorus

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