Saturday 7 December 2013

This may or may not work!

So I've started, and just left to fizzle out, blogs before. I'm a second year Law undergraduate and writing about my frustrations at Law school got a bit boring. Probably moreso for the one or two people who may have skimmed over it when searching for something under which I'd tagged the post.

However a week or two ago my brother asked why I wasn't blogging about music and it made sense. I'm making it to at least three shows a month which isn't loads but it's enough to warrant talking about. I want to absorb new music like a sponge. I want to absorb stuff I should have discovered a lot earlier like a sponge. Having to wait days for my Spotify minutes made the sponge absorbing a bit slow, like sucking up butter or something. It's no excuse when I can buy music online but when you want to sample songs from a certain record label, for example, Spotify is perfect. So I went and got a Premium Account. What a godsend - I'll never look back. 

I'll plan to blog about the shows I go to, post some playlists, review some albums - everything my brother recommended I do - and a bit more. Hopefully you'll enjoy. You might not. 

My tastes vary quite a bit. I won't blab on about what I like because my page explains it a lot clearer.

In my next post I'll talk about the Ólafur Arnalds concert I went to two nights ago. If someone wants to read a post about an Ólafur Arnalds gig they won't want to read this mumbo jumbo first so I thought I'd split the posts. 

Let's go!

P.S. In case you're wondering what my blog title means, my name's Nia and it's a play on words. I should have mentioned that at the beginning.

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